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The capsule has an inlay made of copper to repel magnetic waves. It has two fins on the side that are there so that the “dart” hits the ground head first. It has three chambers, the first chamber holds rocket boosters which blast the steel dart toward the target planet. The second chamber is a strong parachute that is designed not to break while entering a foreign atmosphere and to stop the pod from causing a minor kinetic bombardment on the target celestial object. The parachute activates as soon as a sensor feels drag caused by high wind resistance. The third and final layer is the cargo, which holds all of the information we store on board. The second and third layer are separated by a heat resistant layer to stop the rockets from burning the cargo or parachute. Finally, there is a spike on the end of it made of pure steel, used as a heavy weight so that when it lands, it sticks in the ground and cushions the impact slightly. The third layer is also lined with a pillow like substance that is heavier than things that are locked to the sides of the container. There is also a relay on the inside of the dart that sends a signal to us that will activate once it hits the ground according to the sensor.

A 775 m/s terminal velocity was calculated assuming a mass of 750 kilograms and a coefficient of drag of 0.2 due to nose shape, resulting in 0.226 gigajoules of force

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